Headphones are recommended for best experience.
Red light floods into the café windows onto Ajani and Genevieve’s faces. They are looking at a radio and listening intently.
Alert. Alert. This the Emergency Broadcast System. Alert. Alert. This is the Emergency Broadcast System. For all unaware parties, one night prior, a meteor shower ran its course through the solar system. Several of these meteorites have made contact with the moon. These meteoroids held high pockets of oxygen and carbon monoxide and, upon impact, reignited the volatile elements located on the moon. This is predicted to have deadly repercussions for the planet. Everyone is advised to go to their local disaster shelter immediately. Information of these shelters will be released by local news media outlets in the coming days. If you cannot reach a disaster shelter, stay home. This broadcast will repeat until further notice. Alert. Alert. This is-
Ajani switched off the radio and turned to Genevieve.
We need to get out of here.
What!? Didn’t you just hear what it said? Daddy, we can’t go out there. We need to just wait until we find out about the shelters and–
Ajani interrupts.
Genevieve! I know that! We should wait, but how long until we find out about those shelters? We don’t have enough resources to wait too long. We need to be prepared.
Ajani gets up and moves to go upstairs.
And where exactly are you going? This is going to cause a panic, how many people, like you, are going to go out and look for supplies? The supermarket will be packed.
Well, it’s three in the morning, Genevieve. Not everyone is up to even know what is going on right now. There will probably be people there, but not as much as you’re thinking.
Genevieve frowns and gets up to follow.
I’m coming with you too.
No, you will not! It’s too dangerous! You need to stay here and listen to the broadcast and just wait for me.
Genevieve runs to her bedroom, rushing to get dressed.
It’s also dangerous here, Daddy! People will be desperate and willing to take whatever they need, however they want. Someone could come back to the café, knowing we have food and water. What if they came in and tried to hurt–
Ajani’s face contorts.
Alright, you can come. But you have
to listen to everything I say, okay? We have to be smart about this.
Genevieve nods.
Good. Now, hurry up and meet me in
the car, when you’re finished.
They turn away from each other, silently rushing to complete their tasks.
The supermarket is packed with cars and people are driving their shopping carts filled with all sorts of store
merchandise. Ajani and Genevieve get out of the car, slamming the door shut as they make their way into the store. Ajani closes the distance between them and holds Genevieve's hand, he lowers his head to her ear.
Remember, follow me, okay?
Genevieve nods quickly, making a determined face. Her father squeezes her hand tightly. They walk briskly through the store to get what they need. A nearby shout gets their attention, two tall guys seem to be pawing at a woman.
Get off of me!
GUY #1
Just shut the fuck up and come with
GUY #2
Unless this is supposed to be
Both men grin at the woman. Genevieve looks closer and sees that it’s actually Yui fighting them off. Genevieve releases her father’s hand and runs toward the commotion.
Genevieve! Wait!
Ajani runs after her. Genevieve reaches the conflict first, shoving one of the guys off of Yui.
Yui, are you alright?
Genevieve helps Yui to her feet. The second man moves to hit the both of them until he is tackled to the ground by Ajani.
Genevieve, you can’t just go off on
your own like that! You–
Genevieve interrupts, looking at her father pleadingly.
Daddy, they were going to do
something to Yui!
Ajani examines Yui.
Sir, I don’t know what would have happened if you and Genevieve hadn’t come. I–thank you. Truly.
Ajani nods and beckons the two of them to follow him. They pick up anything of value they can on the way. They stop at the pharmacy and Ajani cautions the both of them.
Stay. Here.
They both nod, and Ajani runs into the pharmacy, navigating his way through the crowd. Genevieve turns to Yui.
So, I’m guessing you’ve already
heard about everything?
Yeah, I’m just doing the same as
everyone, trying to prepare.
They pause. Several people are fighting over a can of baked beans.
Everything’s turning into a mess.
I know what you mean. Everyone is
just afraid. We might all die, y’know?
Yui shakes her head.
We all die, Viv. That’s not the scary part, it’s how people act in times of crisis. There’s no compassion, no empathy. Might as well not be human anymore.
They pause again. Genevieve looks imploringly at Yui.
Yui, where are your parents? Are you just here by yourself?
My parents died a long time ago. I’ve been living by myself for the past year and a half.
Genevieve’s eyes widen in shock.
GENEVIEVE I’m so sorry.
Yui smiles.
It’s alright. Like I said, it happened a long time ago. I’m more focused on the now.
Genevieve searches Yui’s eyes and frowns.
I lost my mother a long time ago, too. She died in a car accident when I was six. My dad–He. He misses her so much. Doesn’t talk about it, but I can see it in his face, the nostalgia. Sometimes, I wish I had that. I don’t even remember what she looks like, it’s just–
–A face lost to time. I know what you mean. I don’t remember my parents either. Once they died, I was left to grow up in an orphanage. It was...good and bad. I used to hate staying with all of those loud kids, but now, the silence is kind of unbearable.
Genevieve takes Yui’s hands, squeezing in reassurance.
Yui, you know, you can come with us
Yui looks at Genevieve and then at her hand. Genevieve abruptly releases her grasp and steps away.
I mean! If you want to, you don’t have to, of course. But my dad and I have a nice place to hole up in. We‘ve got food and–
Yui takes Genevieve’s hand and smiles again.
I’d like that very much, Viv.
Genevieve smiles and Yui blushes.
Y’know Viv, I–
A gunshot rings loudly through the supermarket. Someone in the pharmacy drops to the ground. Genevieve’s eyes widen and her mouth opens agape. She sprints inside looking for her father, Yui trails after her.
Dad! Daddy!
Hearing a grunt to her left, she sees Ajani on the ground holding a hand to his stomach. Blood is pooling onto the floor from the wound. Genevieve crashes to her feet next to him.
No, no, no, no, no, no! Daddy!
I’m going to look for some bandages!
Yui runs off in search of medical help. Ajani looks over to Genevieve.
AJANI Genevieve...are you alright?
Tears stream down Genevieve’s face. She applies pressure to Ajani’s wound in an attempt to staunch the bleeding.
What are you talking about? Daddy, I’m fine! I’m more worried about... Look, Yui is going to come back any moment with some bandages, okay! We can-We can fix this! We have to!
Ajani smiles wistfully and shakes his head imperceptibly.
I don’t think so, baby girl. I’m so sorry.
No! You’ll be fine! You’ll be fine, okay. You just-Just gotta hold on a little longer. I’m sure Yui’s coming. You can’t leave me yet, alright?
I don’t think I have a choice. You and your friend need to get back home. Need to wait until the next broadcast and make it to the shelter.
Stop talking like that, you’re gonna be fine!
Ajani slowly lifts his other arm, his hand clutching something tightly in his hand. He attempts to give it to Genevieve. She closes her hand around it, eyes still on her father.
Daddy, please!
Ajani smiles again, his breath slowly puttering out.
You...look so much like your mother.
Genevieve starts to sob.
Listen, Genevieve...I’m...so...proud of you.
Ajani’s grip loosens and his body goes slack. His eyes become unresponsive. Genevieve collapses into herself, sobbing uncontrollably. Yui comes back with bandages and rubbing alcohol in her hands. Upon seeing Ajani lifeless, she crashes into Genevieve hugging her tightly, holding her together.
Viv, I’m...I’m so sorry, Viv.
Genevieve trembles in Yui’s hold. She looks down at the object her father handed to her. A small container of anti-depressants that are her exact prescription lays in her palm.
Fritz Toussaint as Ajani
Jordy Young as Genevieve
Paige Galdieri as Yui
Alexis Curiel as Guy #1
Jasiri Minors as Guy #2
Thank You